Coca-Cola = Delicious Happiness

myuibe posted a photo:

delicious happiness

This photo is of a Coca-Cola advertisement. Why did I include it in Flickr Picks? Click on the photo to go to the photo’s home page on Flickr and read it. It has some good information on the Chinese translation of Coca-Cola.

To make it easier, I’ll include the translation here: Coca-Cola is translated to Ke kou ko le in Mandarin, which means: Delicious Happiness – at least according to the advertisment.

I can confirm that it’s called Ke kou ko le in Mandarin, but my Chinese is not so good that I can confirm the meaning!

Chinese Lion Statue

MarinaAvila posted a photo:

Lion Statue

This is a most impressive stone lion statue. You’ll see statues like this throughout China (and in Chinatowns throughout the world). In fact, it’s a symbol that most people instantly associate with China.

They are often outside banks and other buildings and they always come in pairs. There’ll be another lion statue just outside of this shot. According to’s Chinese Culture section:

A pair of stone lions, a male and a female, can often be seen in front of the gates of traditional buildings. The male lion is on the left with his right paw resting on a ball, and the female on the right with her left paw fondling a cub.

For more information on stone lion statues, check out the article on